Northrich Community Business Sponsors 2024-25

When you support the Northrich PTA, you are investing in an organization that supports and encourages the positive culture of our city, and cultivates a sense of community with our Northrich families. It is PTA’s mission to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children, our future. By supporting Northrich PTA via one of our Better Together Community Sponsorship Levels, you are investing in programs and events that help enhance students' experience at Northrich, including:   

  • Teacher & Staff Appreciation Activities

  • Bear Fest

  • Glow & Grow Dance

  • Multicultural Awareness Activities

  • Winter & Valentine Class Parties

  • Field Day

  • Color Run

  • End of Year Celebrations

  • and Much, Much More!!

PTA Sponsorship LevelsPriceQty
 NRE Community Partner - Ice Cream & Sprinkles Level more
 NRE Community Partner - Milk & Cookies Level
$1000 more
 NRE Community Partner - Hot Chocolate & Marshmallows Level
$500, Company logo featured on PTA Website; Company Logo featured on PTA banner displayed in front of school; PTA provides Hot Chocolate & Marshmallows for a sponsored event with the promos designating that the beverage is sponsored by your company.
 NRE Community Partner - PB&J Level
$250, Company logo featured on PTA Website, Company Logo featured on PTA banner displayed in front of school
 Paper & Pen
sponsor educational resources for a teacher
 Chips & Salsa
sponsor a PTA event i.e. Donuts w/ Grown ups, Salsa Showdown, etc.
 Cream & Sugar
Purchase coffee for our monthly staff coffee cart